Mittwoch, 10. Januar 2007

First Weekend

my first weekend was great: On Friday there was our night off in Northbridge, the most popular area for having parties in Perth. Bars and Pubs were crowded as usual. On Saturday I went to Fremantle, a lovely small harbour village in the south of Perth. It is known as the place to be for hippies and I think it won't have been the last time I was there...
On Sunday I was in Cottesloe Beach, the greatest beach I've ever seen. There are grass-green terraces upon the beach where you can have a sunbath. Also the temperature was nice, not too hot, not too cold...But this weather is likely to get sunburned because you don't feel the sun so strong and also the wind supports this feeling.

7 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hey Sam! very nice, it looks like it is going to fun after all. the weekends lighten things up a little, don't they? :o) i wouldn't mind sitting on the beach with a couple of girls, especially with ones that love new york. :o)
hey, hoffe es gfaut dr immer meh dert u das du e gueti ziit hesch, gueti lüt lernsch kenne u schöni erfarige machsch. verlieb di nid tschnau u ou nid grad em schluss, de wird de abschid de em schwirigschte. vilecht doch ender itz de chasch es ja no chli gniesse mit de schöne "aussie" fraue. liebe gruess, take care

Anonym hat gesagt…

Sali Sämu! z thesi u ig si iz grad vom Gymfescht heicho, u ig gseh di Site zum erschte mau. Cools änglisch, very nice! wünsche dir viu schöni, grossi froue! à bientôt! liebs gruessli Mänu

timur hat gesagt…

hey, merci für dis sms. wet gärn mau wieder es paar biuder gseh, bitte...

Sam hat gesagt…

Hey Timur
you will get new stuff soon, I promise you!:-) Thanks for visiting my page, I'm always glad to read some comments.
Greez Sam

Anonym hat gesagt…

Huhu Sämi! Ha gar nid gwüsst dass du sonä intressantä Blog hesch womä cha läsä was du z'Ouschtralie äne so aschteusch! *angrins* Gseht ömu so us aus öb dus vom Wätter här chli schöner hesch aus mir... o wemä sech hie nid cha beklage!
U merci für dini Antwort wägem "Klasseträffä". Ha zwar scho gwüsst dass du uf Ouschtralie geisch, aber nid dasses scho so gli isch, auso dass du scho dert bisch. Wär natürlech schön gsi wed o hättsch chönne cho, aber de haut z'nächscht mau! *zunick*
Wirdä sicher i Zukunft di Blog ab und zu cho aluegä! Gniess dini Zit z'Ouschtralie, mach z'Beschtä drus etc.!
Liebs Grüessli, Schanä

Nicole hat gesagt…

hey sämi!
wi geits dir so ds ouschtralie? hesch di guet igläbt? wi hesches mit dr gaschfamilie? wi isches ir schueu so? luuter frage gäu! abr weisch wasmi no fasch me würd intressiere? äs wär ja nid mi, wenni nid no möcht wüsse, wis so mit dä froue louft? hesch scho eini kenne glehrt wo dir gfaut? i möcht natürlech details ghöre, und wens nid imene blog chasch schribe, de chaschmer ja äs persönlechs mail schicke (-;
bi mir isch aues bim aute, bi am schtudiere, volleyle, boarde und i usgang gha. nöchscht wuche hani miner erschte semeschterprüäfige und drum bini gad chly im schtress! abr das chunt scho guet!
so i hoffe i ghörä gly mau öpis vo dir und tue mau wieder chly news druf. föteli chömä immer guet!

ganz liebi grüässli


Sam hat gesagt…

Hey Nicole
I'm sorry but I don't have your email adress yet:-)
Your comment sounds as you're honestly interested in my private life...!
Thanks for your comment, you will get new pictures as soon as possible!

Greetings Sam

P.S. I must write in English, otherwise I won't improve it, because there are just too many Swiss in this City, it's unbelievable! For example: Do you know a certain Hagi(Philip Hagenbucher) who graduated from Gymnasium the year before us? Marina was in the same class as he was!